Top Japanese Study Tips for All Learners

You first need to set yourself a clear goal when you start any business (in this case, learning Japanese online). What do you want to achieve, and what is the specific timeframe for achieving this goal? First of all, based on your destination, you will be able to make your schedule and build your training plan, that is, when, on what day, what do we do.

Japanese Study Tips

Consistency and Regularity

It is also essential to be systematic and regular in learning any language. For many who have decided to take up the study of Japanese on their own, we can advise the following: choose one leading textbook and one additional one. Also, don’t use ten different books and ten different websites.

And as mentioned above, the regularity of classes is significant. That is, a ten-minute lesson will be better and more useful for you than if you do it once a week or a month at an accelerated pace.

Use Cards

It will be perfect if you use thematic cards to memorize hieroglyphs. Write the hieroglyph itself, and on the other side, read and translate it. It is necessary not only to make cards but also to repeat them regularly. Put those cards that you know well into one pile. As for those you do not know well, keep returning to them and repeating them more often.

By the way, cards can be made using a particular ANKI program – the same cards, but in electronic format, plus you can add pictures of the sound of this hieroglyph. And most importantly, the better this program is – there is spaced repetition – that is, the program shows words with exactly the frequency needed for this word to get into long-term memory.

Figurative Memorization

The following method of memorizing hieroglyphs is the symbolic method. That is, you should see in the hieroglyph not only the order of features but a specific image. Indeed, hieroglyphs are former pictures, simplified over time (that is, you can find out the history of the hieroglyph and find out what the author wanted to say with this).

After all, when you know the history and image of the hieroglyph being studied, then learning is much easier. Another important thing when learning a character is the correct spelling of the strokes. After all, then not only will your hieroglyph look more beautiful and “real,” but you will also quickly learn how to look for its meaning in particular applications and dictionaries.

Start Learning Japanese Grammar

In the first stages, the basics will be more than enough. Pick up any grammar book (we recommend the most popular in the list of valuable resources) and study it. It is better to use manuals intended for beginners at the initial stages. The knowledge gained will help you understand the logic of the language and begin to build words in sentences correctly.

Pick Up Dictionaries

Throughout the entire training period, they will be vital to you. Choose a dictionary to your liking on your own or use the most popular ones. Please note: if you know English, then it makes sense to use not only English-Japanese but also other dictionaries – this will allow you to improve in two languages simultaneously. We also recommend installing the Rikaichan browser extension, with which you can quickly translate any italicized word.

Start Reading Books and Watching Movies in Japanese

It doesn’t matter what you watch or read – it can be anime, manga, books, movies, popular TV shows, or news articles. It is better to choose English subtitles for any video – this will help you remember the meaning, pronunciation of words, and their usual location in a sentence simultaneously. Beginners are recommended to watch at least 150-200 hours of video in the first year of study.

Learn While Traveling

Why not make learning Japanese an exciting adventure by combining travel and education? Immerse yourself in Japan’s captivating culture and language as you explore bustling streets, interact with friendly locals, and savor authentic cuisine. Whether you choose to study Japanese in Sydney, or in Seoul, or any other location you’re interested in traveling to. Enrolling in language programs or joining language exchange events will provide invaluable opportunities to learn from instructors and engage in conversations with fellow language enthusiasts. Put your skills to the test while traveling, conversing with native speakers, and embracing real-life situations. Merge your passion for travel with the desire to learn Japanese for a transformative journey of language acquisition and cultural immersion.

To Wrap It Up

It is essential to choose the right textbook, according to which it will be easier for you to memorize the educational material. And of course, practice: without it, it is impossible to learn any language, especially Japanese. 

Ideally, it is better to take a Japanese language course or private lessons with a Japanese teacher. Still, if this is not possible, you always need a partner to practice Japanese yourself and maintain interest in it. Otherwise, you can quickly give up and quit learning the language.

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