Pandemics influence how students study in schools. In cases where some pandemics are short-lived, learners may not be adversely affected. Nonetheless, when pandemics extend for a long time, students lose time and resources. In particular, the most recent pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease has affected schools and students in many ways. Consequently, schools and colleges have developed various mechanisms, such as distance learning, virtual videos, educational websites, and media outlets for studying.
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Distance Learning
When pandemics strike countries and last longer than anticipated, learners are forced to use virtual educational platforms and assignment writing services for studying and helpful hints. For example, teachers may communicate with students using emails and institutional websites to share class materials and assignments. In particular, the coronavirus pandemic has led to lockdowns that the governments impose to prevent further spreading of the disease. Therefore, due to the inaccessibility of the classrooms, teachers use emails and school websites for communication with learners.
YouTube Videos
Teachers record their videos, sharing the concepts that they want their students to understand. In particular, teachers devise an environment similar to the classroom settings and prepare PowerPoint presentations and animations posted on personalized YouTube channels. Instead of physically visiting classrooms, teachers encourage their students to open the links of their YouTube channels and view the content posted. Hence, third-party websites that support video sharing allow teachers to post educational videos for learners to study during the pandemic.
Third-Party Educational Websites
Students have been using smartphone- and computer-enabled applications containing supplementary resources for learning. When learners fail to understand their teachers’ concepts through virtual platforms, they use third-party websites and student-friendly applications to acquire simplified versions of information. This approach has helped learners to comprehend course concepts better and enhance their educational outcomes. Hence, during the coronavirus pandemic, students have been using other educational websites to acquire more information that enhances their understanding of the course materials.
Television and Radio Stations
During the coronavirus pandemic, learners have been using television stations for studying. For instance, television networks and radio programs have been established to aid students in learning through presentations by qualified teachers and tutors. Furthermore, students are offered opportunities to ask questions. Therefore, due to the coronavirus pandemic and movement restrictions, people are encouraged to utilize the media companies for studying.
In some countries, teachers have chosen to include examination questions on specific days in the most famous newspapers to aid students in learning. Such teachers do so to allow learners to access questions that would provoke them to study particular concepts. Although this approach does not address all students’ needs, it is helpful for learners expecting national academic certification. Therefore, some students can access questions that provoke them to study, find answers, and understand the concepts better.
In conclusion, students have embraced distance education during the coronavirus pandemic because it was the only option of learning effectively because of limited physical and social interactions. Besides, teachers and learners use the YouTube channels for sharing animated presentations of the course concepts. Other educational websites offer accessible information to complement the course content and enhance students’ conceptual understanding. Students also use media outlets, such as television networks, radio stations, and newspapers, to study during the pandemic.