WhatsApp has recently added the ‘custom stickers WhatsApp‘ feature for both iOS and Android users in its updated version i.e, 2.18. WhatsApp stickers can rejuvenate the dull and boring chats with colorful and expressive stickers. Other messaging apps like Messenger, WeChat, hike, and telegram have already this feature since long back, so for standing out of the queue, WhatsApp has added the support of the third party sticker packs as well. So today GeekyArea is here to tell you How You Can Create Custom Stickers for WhatsApp.
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How To Create Custom Stickers for WhatsApp
To create your own custom or personalized stickers pack and send them to your WhatsApp chats you need to follow the below guide.
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Working Method to Convert Picture into WhatsApp Stickers
Step 1: Firstly download and install Sticker maker app from the Google Play Store.
Step 2: Now open the app and click on ‘Create a new sticker pack’. Now give Stickerpack name along with the name of the author.
Step 3: Now click on the sticker pack which you have just created, here you will see a ‘tray icon’ along with placeholders for thirty stickers in one sticker pack.
Step 4: Now click on ‘tray icon‘, it will ask your choice either to ‘Take Photo‘ or ‘Select File‘, and then depending on your choice it will ask your permission to use the camera of the phone to take pictures and video along with storage of the device to use photos, media, and files on the device.
Step 5: If you have clicked on ‘Select File‘, then you can select any image stored in your gallery, afterward you need to draw an outline with your finger to select the sticker area.
Step 6: In case you have selected ‘Take Photo‘, you can click photo by using your mobile camera or any third party camera app, and click on the Tick icon. Afterward, you need to draw an outline with your finger to select the sticker area.
Step 7: Now click on ‘YES, SAVE STICKER’, and add any number of stickers in the sticker pack by clicking on each placeholder. Minimum it should be three stickers and the maximum is limited to thirty.
Step 8: Once you are done with adding stickers to sticker pack, tap on the ‘PUBLISH STICKER PACK‘, and click on ‘YES, PUBLISH‘ in confirmation pop-up box.
Step 9: It will again give you an alert message to confirm whether you want to add your sticker pack to WhatsApp. Click on ‘ADD‘.
That’s it. This is how you can add your own custom stickers on WhatsApp.
Final Words on Custom Stickers WhatsApp
Custom stickers on WhatsApp can make your conversations more interesting, and also express yourself better. As there are only 12 WhatsApp stickers packs by default for users, so if you are bored with those and wants to make things more interesting then you should definitely try this technique of creating your own personalized stickers. In case you have any doubt regarding the above method please leave a comment below, feel free to ask anything. We are always here to help you.